Wednesday, June 28, 2006

multi tabling

I've been running pretty well so far at the 2c/4c micro stakes limit.

hands dealt: 639
win rate (BB per 100 hands): +10.0

Sample size is small I admit. My original plan was to hopefully win 100 BB at this level, then move up to the next level 5c/10c. My bankroll is funded with 300 BB for the next level and 300 BB still in the current 2c/4c level.

I've decided to change that plan. I'm going to try multi tabling. I've never done this before in any way so I'll see how it goes. I'm only going to try 2 tabling to start out. I don't expect as high a win rate with two tables. However if the win rate/100 hands is more than half that of single tabling then it will be profitable. Plus it is a new challenge for me. This 2c/4c is a good level to start out learning to multi table. I've found 2c/4c to be a very straightforward, beatable level - good thing, or I'd have to quit poker or go back to play money :(

I tried out just watching two tables at once. I quickly realized one thing I need to do is get two PokerStars tables to actually display on my monitor so I can see them both. I had to turn up my monitor to the highest resolution to be able to see everything in the space hungry PS windows, but it should be OK. I'll track my (hopefully positive) winrate 2 tabling and see how it compares over the same # of hands as single tabling.

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