Thursday, August 20, 2009

No limit hold'em theory and practice

As part of my transition to playing live I wanted to read a no limit book. I ordered No limit hold'em theory and practice online. I'd heard good things about this title. Coming from Sklansky and Miller I was looking forward to some good material.

And it was good. Like Sklansky's Theory of Poker, it was not an easy read. Some parts were hard to get through. But it was worth the effort. I feel I got a lot out of it. I didn't really fully grasp and appreciate everything but that's OK. Like Theory of Poker I likely will read it again in the future. But like the authors said, after reading the book go play some hands, and then come back and read the book again. So now I'm off to play some hands.

The structure of the book was interesting. They spent a fair amount of time discussing the differences between limit hold'em and no limit. To some that might seem unimportant but it was great for me as I have predominantly played limit up until now. So that was great.

Also I didn't really realize this until I played at the casino, but this book is geared toward live play. That's fine too since I'm now a live player. So all in all this was a very good book and well worth the time and effort to work through it.

I will probably read it again some time in the future. But not too soon. I need to do some light reading next to give my mind a rest. Plus I want to read at least one different poker book first. There's still about four poker books that I want to read at some point.

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