Saturday, August 04, 2007

A Winning Month

Well July is in the books and I was up for the month. July was my first winning month after three consecutive down months. I was lifted by hitting on both the limit hold'em and sng cylinders.

My bankroll is close to the previous high before the slide. I don't think I'd had a losing month before this slide in the short time I've played online. During April-June I lost 19% of my bankroll.

Downswings and break even happens and as long as you're playing better than your opponents then over time you should gain. For me I don't get to play too much and I don't multi table so it takes longer in terms of calendar time for downswings to play out. I felt I was playing mostly OK, well enough to win. Hopefully I'll get back up over the previous high water mark and put together a nice string of plus months.

In poker it's like the tide coming in or out. When waves come in you go up, then when they recede you go back down. However overall if the tide is rising then the up waves are greater than the receding waves and you're getting ahead. But if the tide is going out then the waves going out are greater than the waves coming in and you're slowly going down.

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