Sunday, April 23, 2006

Cheating at poker

The topic of people entering tournaments under multiple accounts has been in the poker news lately. ZEEJustin himself, who has been a central part of the controversy wrote an informative post on it.

In a way what concerns me about it is how ZEEJustin and JJProdigy were caught. Their method of cheating was lazy, crude and unsophisticated. Exploiting a known bug in the software to enter tournaments twice under different accounts from the same computer.

The reality is that with just modest effort it is possible today for one person to multi enter tournaments without needing to exploit bugs in the client software. I won't detail it here, but if you think about JJProdigy's "grandmother" for a few minutes then it may come to you. This type of multi entering would be undetectable using the techniques that caught ZEEJustin and JJProdigy.

The implications are serious for the online poker rooms and their players. A sophisticated organized operator could expand the technique to cheat in a systematic big way. It will be a challenge for the sites to be vigilant to detect this. The next generation of cheaters will be far more subtle and sophisticated than ZEEJustin and JJProdigy.

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